Two days of lectures and workshops, 550 experts in mobile tech brought to you by Facebook, Skype, Google, Airbnb – all this on the biggest meetup in Central Europe!
Already on 21-22nd of April Kinoteka in Warsaw is going to be filled with half a thousand of mobile tech specialists. Developers, designers, UX experts, product owners and managers of teams working on mobile projects – all of them are about to meet in the heart of Europe on one of the biggest events in mobile field – MCE^3.
We wanted to make a vertical conference to reach guests with high level of expertise and know-how. The conference is dedicated for professionals. The main goal of MCE is to make engineers, designers and the business world meet and discuss specific topics evolving around mobile technologies. It is mobile because we truly believe in the exponential growth of mobile tech – says Jason Moisio, representative of Polidea, the initiator of the event.
Growing every year, counting 550 attendees from all over the world, this conference will focus on everything worth knowing in the mobile world. During 3 thematic tracks – Engineering, Design and (for the first time!) Product the attendees will have a chance of broadening their knowledge thanks to the experience of over 40 speakers, being experts in the field. On the stage you will see the representatives of such companies as Facebook, Google, Airbnb or Skype.
During the conference you will have a chance to listen to such topics as:
- Security in mobile apps
- Application architecture
- Protocol-oriented programming
- Secrets from Android studio
- How to respond to all needs of community and users of mobile
Additionally, the whole conference will be enriched with Jitter workshops, taking place on the day after the conference – last year it took a form of full-day hackathon, connecting new ideas with practical application. But all the attractions mentioned above is only the beginning!
More information is about to be revealed – follow the event website, Facebook and Twitter. Follow #mce2016 and don’t miss anything!