Global digital accelerator 1st European program

Applications for Global Startup Ecosystem (GSE), Europe’s first digital startup accelerator, are closing on October 29. The program will immediately follow the application deadline from October 30 to November 1.

F6S, a platform delivering opportunities, funding, and grant services to startups and tech founders, has announced that GSE has opened its renowned regional accelerator program to Europe this month, accepting EU small business, freelance and startup applications.

Targeting entrepreneurs, creatives, industry innovators and academics of all international backgrounds, GSE primarily provides online digital accelerator programs for startup ecosystems in different geographic regions, industry verticals, and impactful topic areas. In 2016, 500 companies across 63 countries completed the program.

This year, GSE’s accelerator program will be hosted in seven global regions, seeking 700 innovators for the 2017 series. The program will be facilitated by over 50 global speakers. Speakers for the first European program include founders and entrepreneurs working in the region, such as Estonian Kristel Kruustük, Founder and CEO of Testlio, and Latvian Egita Polanska, Program Director at Startup Wise Guys.

The program grants access to GSE’s network which is categorised into three stages: Startup Development, Mentorship Development, and Progress & Investment. Over the three days, successful applicants will focus on topics ranging from product development and customer acquisition, to fundraising and press hacking. They will also have the chance to attend workshops run by local experts and international influencers and participate in a Q&A forum with the judges.

After completion of the program, participants will be given access to ongoing startup development training from a mentor throughout the year. This includes the opportunity to submit updates on their companies’ progress to receive access to investment and media opportunities.

GSE’s launching of a European regional accelerator program provides a much needed international platform for many startups in the CEE. With small populations and local markets, CEE countries are often held back by lack of access to global mentors and investors. Regardless of the amount of entrepreneurial talent emerging in the region, startups have a harder time gaining recognition and support in comparison to more attractive regions.

The GSE program is therefore an opportunity for CEE startups to gain a foothold in the international community. Startups can apply for admission on GSE’s partner platform F6S by October 29th.


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